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Roles: Ranged Spell-Casting Damage Dealer


Enslaving demons and calling upon dark magic and curses to dominate and destroy their foes, warlocks are a cloth-wearing DPS caster class, known for their wide range of debuffs anddamage over time effects. Locks are primarily ranged magic damage dealers and can employ a range of fully-controllable demons to tank, incapacitate and devour enemies, including the seductive succubus, the hulking voidwalker, the fireball-hurling Imp and the horrific Felhunter. Warlocks can also summon temporary demons like the mighty Infernal for powerful bursts of damage, and at higher levels can choose the  [Grimoire of Supremacy] to summon a new range of demons, with improved abilities and fearsome new forms. Warlocks also have access to a range of debuffs and curses, as well as utility abilities such as Healthstones and Soulstones. Affliction warlocks are the masters of damage over time, draining their targets' health with an array of powerful debuffs and DoTs; Demonology warlocks summon improved demons to do their bidding, drawing power from their minions and even transforming into demons themselves; while Destruction warlocks sear and incinerate enemies, specializing in potent burst damage and Fire spells.

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Kargath - Wow  [WOTLK]

Exp: 10x

Profession: 10x

Gold: 10x

Quest Reward:10x

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