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Roles: Ranged Spell-Casting Damage Dealer, Melee Physical/Magic Damage Dealer, Healer


Shamans are spiritual leaders, masters of the elements, using spells and totems to heal and enhance raid members. These powerful practitioners commune with the ancestors and seek to balance the raging elemental forces, and can call upon them in battle to scorch and blast their enemies, or to strengthen and heal their allies. Shamans can enhance their weapons with elemental effects, smite enemies with lightning strikes and bursts of lava, and summon powerful elementals to do their bidding. Shamans can also grant themselves and their allies powerful elemental boons, and call upon the ancestors to assist them, transforming into a  [Ghost Wolf] or using  [Reincarnation] to return from the dead. This versatile mail wearing class can fill the roles of caster, healer, and melee damage. Elemental shamans are powerful spellcasters, fulfilling a caster DPS role to blast and scorch enemies from afar; Enhancement shamans are melee damage dealers, smiting opponents with elementally-empowered weapons; while Restoration shamans are versatile healers well suited for any situation. Shamans provide excellent raid buffs through totems and abilities such as  [Bloodlust], wreak havoc in PvP with their burst damage, and can provide wipe recovery for the group through  [Reincarnation].

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Kargath - Wow  [WOTLK]

Exp: 10x

Profession: 10x

Gold: 10x

Quest Reward:10x

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